Wasted away again at another Jimmy Buffett concert! This will be my 5th, Mety is on number 7, Dan has to be around the 5 number....
Its a beautiful week, and it will be even more glorious "come Monday".. oops I mean THURSDAY in Margaritaville, TX, oops I mean The Woodlands, TX.
CALLING ALL LAST MINUTERS!!! Take a 1/2 day on Thursday and come meet myself, Mety, Danny Boy, Garland, and Josh for the greatest tailgating and concert on this planet. There will be plenty of beers and treats to go around, and dont worry, we can find a cheap scalper in the parking lot for a ticket (Luke once bought last minute tickets for $20 bucks in Atlanta).
If you havent seen Jimmy Buffett in your lifetime, then you are just pissing your life away. Yes, pissing I said. So come on Camacho. Come on Ryno. B-Dub, A-Town, Cervenka, Joel, Alex, D-Ses, C-Money, Erik G, Chris Todd, Gregalo, Park, ALL THE FUNBOY FOLLOWERS! ~~ THERE IS PLENTY OF FUN FOR ALL AND ITS NOT TOO LATE!!!