Monday, June 28, 2010

Its a bird a plane oh no I mean....SuperDave! I mean Dan

Da da da daaaaa!!!!
Here to save your night from being anything but dull.

Always a good time with Dan. Hope y'all enjoy these pics as much as I did.

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sick video artistry, worth the watch

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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

WTF is this?

Is it a picturesque landscape?

Is it post modern impressionism?

Is it still life done with acrylic paint?

Naturalistic lithography?

Nope it's my fucking leg after 9 Budweisers and an attempt to climb a gate.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Tim Donaghy is 15-2 in his NBA Playoff Predictions

Pretty interesting read. Kinda makes you wonder if the Spurs have been jobbed more often than not and what they've had to potentially overcome to win 4 times.

"I was on two radio shows last week and I was directed not to make any more predictions. I wonder who Stern called to get this done. These shows were live and taped, all doubts should be gone".

He is 15-2 in the playoffs so far. He predicted the game yesterday. His record of picking plays is by far the most persuasive argument anyone can ever make these games are influenced by the NBA league office and David Stern.


" Ref assignments point to Orlando extending the series. The league will be looking for extra revenue by extending this series 2 more games "


Former NBA referee Tim Donaghy continued his criticism of the league in an appearance on the Dennis & Callahan show Thursday morning and addressed the controversy from Wednesday night, when the Celtics were on the short end of some questionable calls, including the ejection of center Kendrick Perkins for two technical fouls.

Donaghy said the league clearly benefits from the series going longer, and the referees understand that. "It's a situation where the officials are well aware of what goes on and what's best for the league," said Donaghy, who left the league in disgrace after a gambling scandal and served a prison sentence. "Obviously, what's best for the league is putting Orlando in a little bit of an advantage. It seems to be that's certainly what's taking place."

Of Wednesday night referees Ed F. Rush and Joe Crawford, Donaghy said: "Obviously, they're two veteran, veteran officials and they're well aware of what's going on, and they're certainly out there and going to give the benefit of the calls to Orlando at this time."

Donaghy said he expects the league will rescind at least one of Perkins' technical fouls, and he wonders why Dwight Howard shouldn't be questioned for his wayward elbows. "When you talk about Perkins being suspended, I think you have to look at the fact that Howard's looking at a possible suspension for the way he flailed his elbow off and hit Big Baby in the face," Donaghy said. "There was a situation a couple of years ago (2006-07) where Kobe Bryant was consistently doing that and he was suspended during the regular season." Added Donaghy: "If you go back and look at the plays Kobe Bryant was suspended for, it was a carbon copy of what [Howard] is doing. ... What he's doing is he's creating space, and he doesn't want anybody around when he comes down with a rebound."

Donaghy said he does not think Rush will be suspended for giving Perkins a quick hook, and he thinks the refs will stop favoring Orlando."Moving forward I would say no [more bias], and that's because anything can happen in a Game 7, and an LA-Boston finals would be much better than an Orlando-LA finals," he said


WEEI producer called Tim Donaghy & told him who tonight’s Game 6 refs are, Donaghy’s reply “Orlando should dust off their golf clubs.”

I don't gamble anymore. I'm both in recovery for my own addiction, and I work at Firstep Intervention, owned by Mike Osborne, a gambling treatment facility based in New Jersey. As a former NBA referee, with a story to tell about the crooked officiating in the venerable world of professional basketball, I have observed this years' Playoff Series with interest, and a little fear. In my book, Personal Foul, I created a 'blueprint' off of which most games, and in particular, many particular matchups, are decided. This year, to prove my point and with many stern warnings to people who thought they'd use my predictions to place a bet, I used my 'blueprint' to successfully pick the winners in 14 out of 16 games. With 87% accuracy, including having picked the winner of Game 5 of the Boston/Orlando game by 15 points, and having said that after Game 6, Orlando would be dusting off their golf clubs, I believe it's fair to say the 'blueprint' works.

After every NBA game, each referee is required to review each game and write up a 'deep dive breakdown', a play-by-play analysis of their own performance. A copy of each report is sent immediately to the league office to compare against the report of an independent site observer who also ranks the refs' performances. To illustrate, I watched from start to finish, game 6 of the Boston/Orlando matchup (which I haven't done in three years), and I prepared a 'deep dive breakdown' for your own review. Read for yourself an insider's view of the bad calls, missed calls, and calls that clearly fall within the 'blueprint'. Then I dare you to tell me that the NBA's head office wasn't pulling for Boston...

1st Quarter
11:23 Foul on Allen missed, Carter clearly fouled going up toward the basket.
9:23 Hand check foul called on Nelson, Pierce throws elbow into him and fools the referee into calling the foul on Nelson.
8:44 Cheap foul called on Lewis when Rondo drives in for a lay-up
8:27 Carter fouled; need to be consistent with the foul given to Rondo at the other end of the floor on the previous play. Carter deserves 2 shots they deserve the benefit of the same type of call at both ends.
8:09 They let Garnett elbow Howard 2x before calling the offense foul on him. Why was the first one let go?
5:11 Foul missed on Davis pushing Nelson as he drives through the lane, Nelson pushed and turns ball over.
4:41 Terrible call, Davis does not go into and through defender Lewis; he just makes a move and turns with the ball. Referee Callahan looking right at the play and passes on calling it, the outside official makes this call and is out of position with a bad angle.
3:17 Offensive foul missed on Howard, he pushes off the defender.
3:12 Foul missed as Rondo goes to the hoop on the fast break.
2:22 Foul called on Nelson. Allen and Nelson bump into each other, strange call.

2nd Quarter
8:58 Travel missed on Howard, then an offensive foul is called which sends him to the bench with 2 fouls. This is important because he is pulled out of the game. Again advantage Boston
8:01 Nelson travels prior to dribble, switches pivot foot prior to dribble, very obvious.
6:34 This is not a flagrant foul – this is not unnecessary contact, the rule states it has to be unnecessary and/or excessive contact, this clearly does not fit that.
4:22 WOW, this is the 3rd foul on Howard, NOT A FOUL. Robinson out of control going to the basket. He has 3 fouls and 2 of them are wrong.
3:19 Pierce fouled going to the basket, this foul is most likely let go because Boston is up 15 points, as the score separates the referees start to favor the team that is down.
12.6 Where is the foul, again the referees start to look at the score and favor the team that is down. Carter goes to the foul line.

Boston clearly is getting the benefit of the calls in the first half.

3rd Quarter
6:00 Travel called on Rondo, if Boston is not up 20 this is ignored. L. James (Cleveland) takes 2 more steps than this and it is never called.
4:38 Goaltending is missed; you can’t take the ball off the glass. Garnett’s block was illegal.
1:42 Cheap foul called on Allen, this is a foul called based on the score being a 22 point spread. This had no effect on the play. If the game was within 10 points this would not be called.

4th Quarter
7:39 Foul on Garnett, cheap foul based on the score. 85-65
6:03 Announcer Mike Brean makes a comment that there is plenty of time left for a come-back, anything to keep the fans tuned in.



From his Facebook page in response to someone's question: "Hey Ryan, Suns are playing well, but I think it will end in 6."

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

More Dannyboy

This is a before and after of Friday night. And yes that's Dans head under Jimbos shirt...while sitting at the bar at Oasis! We got in trouble for that one. The first one is the morning after, I'm sure he felt like he looked. Good times

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Dan Solo

Well on Saturday night after a great/exhausting day of tubing, I kicked it on the couch, and stayed in, much to the dismay of dan....

however, i did watch half of the Empire Strikes Back and all of Return of The Jedi, and I came to the conclusion....Dan is like Hans Solo, his demandor, his "swagger", his no bull shit approach, I was watching Harrison Ford playing Hans Solo, and you would of thought he would of been playing dan....if you get a chance, watch a scene or so and let me know if you think this is an accurate observation