Monday, December 22, 2008

Friday Night Dec 26

Well, friday is the day this year folks, where crew from all around, crew like chris todd and gregalo, dan and jory, bdub and kdal, ryno and alex, etc etc etc...we usually do the oasis, but i got some feedback and beleive it or not, there is some in the crew who are getting tired of our ole watering my friends we are open to new places, there is a place ny blossom called Faulkners that is not to bad, but stone oak is not very inviting for a chill place, so let me know


Ryan said...

i'll come out of the closet. i've grown increasingly tired of oasis. feels good to finally say that out loud.

camacho said...

Coco beach or stone oak

Cervenka said...

Agree with the no-go on Oasis, I do have a hunch we may need an Oasis intervention with Kdal... I'm not sure if he will let go that easy. Prove me wrong coach.

Anonymous said...

I am all for it believe it or not... Oasis can grow old, especially when Thanksgiving Oasis was less than a month ago. Oasis will be back though, it always comes back.

I vote somewhere that we can kind of take over, not somewhere crowded or trendy. Coco Beach could be good...

Isnt there a good ole pub type bar around SA? Wooden tables, pitchers, buckets, etc? Maybe in Alamo Heights or something? There needs to be.

Also, Bowl Pool Funboys, off topic... please visit my temporary blog, I got something good up today:

And please feel free to talk some smack on the forum.

P.S. Who is going to tell Brett Gaines about no Oasis on the 26th?

Ryan said...

love the bowl pool post! hilarious

so it's sounding like coco beach is a pretty good option.

as for low key alamo heights pubs -the hangar and broadway 5050 are probably the most intimate i can think of.

and you can tell brett gaines no oasis, but it won't matter.

"Mety's a no go" said...

Well there is this new place down the street from me, we have a good chance of taking it over....coco beach, all though it sounds like a mety favorite has never really impressed me....if we want to hang out in a place like that, lets go to my old college house....the place by my house is none-smoking...or that place on blanco that we tried to get in the mix...or maybe even....dare i say....mulligans none smoking side...we did sherlocks last week and it was not too buddy got kicked out, but no hard feelings...

Cervenka said...

Well here are some that fit your request of "pub, wooden tables, pitchers, buckets" By no means do I promote any of these...

Lion & Rose, Fox and Hound, Flying Saucer, Sherlocks, Mad Dogs, Kennedy's, Cross-Eyed, Coco Beach, Faulkners Pub, Broadway 50/50, Mulligans, Hanger, Fatso's, Alamo Draft House (Crew Movie Night, Ha)

Anonymous said...

Nice work. Ive never had a bad time at Flying Saucer... Lion & Rose wouldnt be bad.

Mety, Im down to try your place as well. Non-smoking is always preferable, especially when you have Houston snobs coming to town.

Maybe you guys should do a pub crawl tonight and have a Crew vote?

Oh... and Ryno & Mety, first place is suppose to talk smack on the bowl pool message board, Im getting tired of seeing Camacho's name pop up everywhere.

"Mety's a no go" said...

Kevin if you review the comments from last year, you will notice that i did talk some smack, and then lost, so let me get a couple more W's under my belt, and you will get know that pic is great bc we are watching a 80's cover band but you put "work, pick and watch" together and it looks like we could be watching football, prehaps a bowl game, maybe the Ponisetta Bowl...Tuesday is TCU day

Anonymous said...

Ya, thats why I liked the pic.

So what the plan for tomorrow night?