Friday, January 9, 2009

Winter 2009 LBJ Crew Retreat

Fellow Funboys, Crew & Co.,

Assuming arguendo we're all still planning to meet down @ KDal's lakehouse in approximately two (2) weeks' time, I just thought I'd remind everybody that I plan on sponsoring the event (with some obvious limits). I've briefly discussed a budget with Kevin & would like some input from the rest of the Crew on any (conducive) thoughts and suggestions.

For example, I need to coordinate with somebody who has a keg and tap, as my arsenal was depleted some time ago. They will need to fill the keg with our pre-determined beer of choice at a reasonable rate (saving $$$ for other things) and transport it and the tap to Marble Falls. We'll obviously need a vehicle capable of performing such task. I'll front (or reimburse) the necessary funds subject to firming up details.

It also occurs to me that we might have a few sophisticates who prefer a stonger drink of choice (e.g., scotch, whisky, etc.). Don't despair, I will personally fill the order here in Dallas based on any requests I receive. Lets just get some sort of concensus, this will not be carte blanche operation for a full bar.

Finally, we'll probably want to get some food/snacks/softdrinks/etc. For sake of convenience, it might be better to do our grocery shopping in Marble Falls, but I'd like to hear suggestions (somewhat) in advance as to any special requests for our menu items.

If anybody can think of other issues, lets please post 'em on the site & get a discussion going. I'm open to ideas & want this to be a really great time to celebrate with everybody from the Crew.


"Mety's a no go" said...

Well i have a tap, but is has been my experince that it is a good idea to have a back up or two....hmm bout in the rear....or maybe some vodka, i know some funboys like car bombs, im more of a Ohh Baby guy it is going to be fun

DSess said...

Good call Metty, on the spare tap & vodka alike -- I'm a BIG fan of the post-bender bloody mary's.

Keep up the good thinking!

Anonymous said...

Great post D-Sess. You mention that you discussed a budget with me.... well, we discussed that budget when I was about 12 hours into drinking on the day I attended the Cotton Bowl, therefore I have no recolition of this budget or any numbers involved. The only thing I really remember from that night is Colin Park trying to discuss some bullshit politics with me and chanting "MWC!" after Utah knocked off Alabama...

Car Bombs, Car Bombs, Car Bombs! I cannot emphasize it enough.

I also have a tap, so that makes at least 2.. usually Alex has one as well for a third back up.

Keg should probably be picked up in San Marcos, any ex SWT funboy probably knows a good spot in SM and can swing up there. (Can we at least get decent beer though, prefer Bud - Heavy or Light).

As far as eating, I always like to suggest everyone eating on their own for Friday night since we will all get there late and dont have to worry about the mess, but its whatever.

Everyone must comment on this post or you will be disinvited to the lakehouse.

Anonymous said...

The trip will be from Friday, January 23 - Monday, January 26.

Please bring golf clubs and tennis racket if you got em.

Camach, please steal a bucket of balls from the driving range.

Ryan said...

signing in.

i'll be bringing my clubs and my racquet.

might i suggest:
tito's vodka (cheap, good)
zing zang (good)

car bombs...

Alex said...

Wow, where do I begin? Sessions well done on the courtroom lingo as well as the post. For sake of argument I believe it is still on and may I suggest to and inform y'all of a few things.

First I believe I do have a tap as well as an empty shell which we can use if they're still at my folks.

Next, concurring with Kevin on two items, 1.good full bodied beer. Budweiser perhaps? "Always the weiser never the bud. -Ryan Meredith
Also, There's a HEB on Lulling in san marcos that HAD kegs for cheap and is where we would always get ours.



Bloody Mary Ingredients for sure! Zing Zang is a must!

For food:
Brisket, ribs, or fajitas for two meals. and of course breakfast TACOS!!
cheap, easy(to cook and prepare) and feeds everyone

I don't mind cooking or shopping for food. I'm good with portioning and budgeting when it comes to food. so holla!

ps. I have two sets of clubs if anyone wants me to bring them just let me know. Also two rackets!

Alex said...

pss. Finally figured out this damn blog thing!

camacho said...

Sorry to disappoint everyone, but my stealing days are over. You know what we need to do is find one of those guys that scubas for golf balls in golf course water hazards. I'll get on that. I have no racket (extras appreciated).

As far as suggestions for booze, beer (my vote for bud or b-light) works great with an occasional shot mixed in (support Austin, go Tito's). I can do blended whiskeys too

As far as suggestion for food, I think we should try to make a humongous stew that we can munch on for lunch alongside our sandos. They're easy and use one pot. We also need to super stock on late night inebriated snacks (mixes, nuts, chips, etc.)


"Mety's a no go" said...

Ohh since it will be cold i have a Wassil Receipe, nothing like a hot toddy when you cant drink beer anymore...well at least the 5 of us will have fun

camacho said...

oh and twice as much bacon

Anonymous said...

Excellent feedback so far... humongous stew? Intriquing.

What about a funboys basketball game? There is an excellent shitty half court less than a 1/4 mile from my house.

Chris Todd said...

I will contribute funds to this event as well. I will bring a basketball in case.

Overnight clothes...check
Golf clubs...check
Apetitte for good time...CHECK!

Cody said...

Car bombs...yes
Bud Heavy...yes
Bloody Mary's...yes
Disc tossing...yes
Breakfast tacos...yes
Late night munchies...yes
Wassil...not sure what this is, but as long as it doesn't consume our entire liquor stash and then no one drinks it then...yes

The only place to buy liquor is at Costco. If you buy it anywhere else, you spent way too much. I'll vote for Maker's Mark bourbon. 1.75 is under $40 at Costco. Tito's is cheap there too. As for the little HEB in San Marvelous, I would guess it is probably still the cheapest in the surrounding area for kegs.

I'd also like to make some Summer Beers even though it's not summer (if everyone is OK with that).

I'm willing to pickup some of the listed goods as well; just let me know.

Partying with the Funboy Crew...HELL YES!

Ryan said...

epic thread!

JoelG22 said...

First of all, it feels good to finally contribute to this blog thing (still dont really understand everything but at least i got my picture up). Second, my contribution for this trip will be the car bombs. Lookin forward to partyin w/ everyone!

Anonymous said...

Joooooeeeeel GOLF! That's what I'm talkin about! Great pic from the cubs game!

Cody said...

1 week to go!!!!!

Can't wait!

"Mety's a no go" said...

Well fellows, the time is apporaching...good comments however i do not think everyone has commented....dan has not, even though he has a blackberry now and has had internet since HS, he still has not posted...and ole C, usually he does, a lil shocked by this move...aTown, has had some stuff on his mind, but even if he didnt i dont know if he would of posted yet...from what i can see we should have warm days, highs round 76, lows around 56....but this forecast only goes to fri, so not sure yet bout sat or sun...the other forecast i saw called for 95% chance of funboy activies, with a slight chance of FAB coming though on sat night....oh happy days