Sunday, February 1, 2009

"He's got some underarm deodorant that you're familiar with... It's called SLAM!"

My left hand is in the second video at the 14 second mark.


Anonymous said...

That was fucking awesome!!! I missed Saturday nights game, but I heard about that dunk. Thank you Ryno, cant believe you witnessed it in person... P.S. I cant find your hand

Ryan said...

pause at the 14 second mark, all the way to the left, bottom center. (to the left of the guy in the white sweater) white shirt, clapping. it covers the guy in the black sweater.

Cervenka said...

I thought that left hand looked familiar when I was watching the FSN broadcast Saturday night.

camacho said...

Manu freakin Ginobili

Jungle karma baby

Ryan said...

this left hand could put costanza to shame.