Wednesday, May 27, 2009

San Antonio por vida

The purpose of this post is non lake house-related, but I had to weigh in on the lake situation. We're gonna be friends till we keel over (be it scott's lawn fertilizer poisoning, printer accident, lawyer payback, realty failure payback, roofing fail, financial advisor payback, or boredom) so I'm not too worried about a summer trip without the lake. If it was Kevin's decision, he would have us all live in the same house if it was logistically possible. I don't think anyone on this blog views the absence of a lake trip as a barometer for lack of trying. LONG LIVE OUR CREW!!!

On to the meat, I'm gonna be in SA this weekend. You guys got any plans or obligations? We can try catch a conf finals game at Fatso's (the new one on thousand oaks) or maybe grab some margies at El Jarro, and then follow it with some broadway 50-50. Reply with your busy schedules or the lack there-of and suggestions.



Ryan said...

nice post.

mety and i did survive a potentially life threatening 300 lb copier falling down the stairs once...

no plans here. there's a s-alons/jgoss happy hour friday night and maybe some early evening tennis.

definitely up for catching the game.

and of course there's always henry and the invisibles @ rebar on friday night. best live act SA has to offer. could do 50-50 and a rebar drop by with a side of limelight.

Anonymous said...

Wedding in Houston this weekend for one of Katie's good friend. Weddings, Weddings, Weddings. Lalala.

Camacho, thank you for the kind words regarding the lake. You were 100% correct when you said "If it was Kevin's decision, he would have us all live in the same house if it was logistically possible." And if that was possible, that house would be the lake house - beer bongs, flip cup, and tube wars for the rest of our lives....

And do not rule out a Summer 2009 lake house trip, still a lot of warm weather to go!

P.S. There is also some good tennis on TV this weekend - French Open.

Anonymous said...

Also, can we please get some talk on the College World Series Bracket??!!

UT & TCU both #1 seeds in their respective bracket, A&M and TEXAS STATE?! #2 seeds, Baylor a #3 seed, and Texas Tech a #... oh wait, looks like the Raiders didnt make the cut...