Wednesday, June 10, 2009

July 4 Per Dan

Well Danny Boy wants to know what the hell you are doing for July 4th, he knows it is far away, but not really, he said he was going to send an email blast, I told him to use the blog, he said he is very technology advanced, how many people in the crew use blackberrys? he was just out on the ocean using his blackberry gps device for longatitude and lattitude, which one of you cunt shits has dont that lately, dan also turns his time sheets in once a week on his lap top, do you remember dan's 1980 or 88 Nissian Maxima had power windows and sunroof and all that shit before it was even standard, so july 4th, whatcha doing, also if dan does not choose the blog, i say we text him and use his phone as his harnass


Anonymous said...

I'll be in Maine and Boston...

Cody said...

Does this imply ol' Danny boy has something up his sleeve for our nations independence day?

"Mety's a no go" said...

Not sure, you would tend to think so, I know he is a fire cracker, but dont sure if he will give us a fire works show, just wanted to tube, if maybe the Marble Falls lake show might be going on.....anyone else got anything brewing, and maybe they could have their agent talk with dan to make it happen

camacho said...

I'll be in NYC! Kev, lets meet up