Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Proud to be a Texan?

I was (and still am), but I questioned my loyalty when my new Driver's License came in the mail and looked like this! (Sorry Im not posting my real one because of fear of identity theft)

But sub out the Fungirl photo and put my Funboy photo (with long hair), and you have my new DL. This isnt Fucking Delaware! THIS IS TEXAS! What what the hell is that skyline in the back ground? Does that even exist in ANY city?



camacho said...


Glad you posted something about this Kev. I saw one of these a couple of weeks ago and I was weirded out by it. The ID mimics that of the other states, but Texas is unlike any other state! What other state has a ranch bigger than the state of rhode island? Where can you find more wool and bats than anywhere else? And who has the world's largest inland port, largest rose garden, and helium well? (???) TEXAS! thats who

Don't hodge-podge our skyline.

Ryan said...

i didn't recognize austin without the hipsters. i'm sure there's a PBR somewhere in there if you look close enough.

but seriously, this license is pretty weak. shame i'll have to forgo my classic edition for this tripe come february.

Alex said...

That's degrading! I will not renew! PROTEST!! I had adds to drink btw. I still hate it. Not true to Texas.