Saturday, September 26, 2009

Dan The Man

I applogize for the length of this post in advance, but this story -- even if not a good one -- has to be told.
So last night Dan came up to Dallas to visit. I brought out a couple of my buddies from up here and they in turn brought their wives/girlfriends. We had some dinner and then proceeded to Uptown Pub, for those of you familiar with the area. Following a couple beers and rounds of shots (including car bombs), we close down the bar and immediately head to Roccos for late night pizza. My buddy Jacob runs over to his place and brings back some beers (its BYOB). We eat, talk to some ladies and things are all good -- Dan and I are pretty loaded, but tactical nonetheless.

Beers in hand, Dan and I say goodbye and began the short walk home (less than 1/8 of a mile). Meanwhile, Jacob hops in his GF Megan's BMW and -- unbeknowst to Dan and I -- starts heading our way from behind. We hear the car approach (he's probably doing at least 50 MPH in the middle of Uptown) but dont realize its them. As he passes, they roll down the window and start shouting -- almost hitting Dan and I.

On instinct, Dan hurls his beer bottle on the side of the BMW, barely missing the window but nonetheless totally blasting the entire side door panel.

Long story short, Dan now owes $500 to fix the door. Never a dull moment with the Chiefy.


Ryan said...

great story! good ol chiefy...

i was going to make a post about today being the 1 year anniversary of the blog, but i think this dan post will do just fine!

BDub_210 said...

I would do the same. The guy sounds like an asshole for almost killing the both of you. Don't pay Dan.

Chris Todd said...

I agree with Weis. Don't pay Dan.

Alex said...

hahahahahahaha....ahahahahaha! You can't write this shit! I wouldn't pay either but Dan has a different bank account for stuff just like this.

Alex said...

And thank you Dallas! That was great, I truly feel like I'm not missing out with this whole! Very appropriate for a one yr anniversary Rhino.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute Dallas. Your friend speeds 50 mph at you and Dan, nearly HITTING yall, and Dan owes $500 for throwing the beer bottle at the car?!?! This sounds like a Judge Judy case or something. Id have to say, I would have probably reacted the same way Dan did.

"Mety's a no go" said...

Fuck That, As his conusel, he does not need to pay, and that guy should get a kick in the nutz for doing that, and then another for asking dan to pay...really,

DSess said...

Here's the deal. Technically, Jacob committed vehicular assault that evening. Dan, being in imminent fear of bodily harm, reacted accordingly, which would otherwise be a privileged battery because he was acting in self defense of himself and yours truly. Furthermore, there is a fact question whether or not it was exercise of reasonable care because most people probably would have done the same thing in that situation. I'm not saying whether or not Dan should pay; I agree the entire scenario is bullshit -- trust me, I almost got hit too. My recitation that "Dan now owes $500" isnt so much as a legal conclusion as it is the amount it will take under the insurance deductible to have the door fixed. Trust me, whether or not Dan (or my buddy) pays has yet to be determined. Dan, I got your back, but you already know that.

"Mety's a no go" said...

good call dallas, your are an ethical lawyer, if anything, which i dont even think is fair, is half and half, but i still stand behind dan not paying, for one, you'll were walking correct, your buddy was driving, did he have any drinks, so his BAC might of been elevated, homeboy is lucky he did not hit, get arrested or some other shit...

camacho said...

A homage haiku to dan:

God damn BMW!!!
That beer dart felt stuuuuuuupendous
compensate? no siiiir!

Classic Dan moment. Thanks for sharing Dallas

camacho said...

i should have wrote "beer spear" instead of "beer dart".

forgive my non-rhymin hymen