This might have been one of the greatest dance parties Ive ever attended
This picture now comes up now when Alex calls me.
Hi, Im in a stuuuupendous mood tonight! (2 drinks is better than 1)
The cowboy's face glowed in the Texas night.
Funboys having a little too much fun
And more fun
Sweaty Metty
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- And finally the for the 3rd time.... THE CHAPSTICK PICTURE! I meant to grab the first two pictures off of my bulletin board in San Antonio but forgot... so I guess the comparison will have to wait until another time. I think this is a great reinactment though (much better than #2), great photography Alex.
Now let's break this picture down just like we did 10 years ago... what exactly is going on here?
Im done waiting. Im not watching anymore Spurs games this year until they can start playing like they have little thing called heart. Call me fair-weathered, call me whatever you want, but I just get too pissed off watching them and it is unhealthy for me to continue to watch at this point. I kept thinking and hoping that the Rodeo Road Trip would be the turning point, but instead it is just the same shit. I do not like this team very much right now. I hate Richard Jefferson, DaJuan Blair is starting to play like Malik Rose, Bonner is more worried about where to find his next tasty sandwich than practicing on his terrible 3-point percentage, not sure what happened to Mason, Bogans seems out of place, and this entire team does not seem to play with any sort of fire or motivation. In the 2nd half of last nights game, the Lakers just flat out owned us, outplayed us, and wanted the game WAY more than the Spurs did. They could do WHATEVER they wanted to do. This is WITHOUT Kobe and Bynum! There was a certain play last night when I just decided enough was enough and I turned off the TV, took off my Spurs wristband (which I had just put on hoping for a spark), threw my Spurs hat on the floor, and called it a night. This was around midnight, ..thanks for keeping me up for bad basketball. I mean, what the fuck is the deal with this team?! I am posting highlights from last nights game, from the 2:40 point on is where I knew this game was over. The 09-10 Spurs are not about getting angry when a team goes on a run and coming back from a 6-8 point lead with an entire 4th quarter to play, NOPE, that is just WAY TOO BIG of a gap for these guys.
I'm done. Not staying up for Denver on Thursday, dont care about the All-Star Break, and could care less about the rest of this Rodeo Road Trip. Until this team can start showing they care, then Im out the rest of the season. Great run this past decade, but I am about ready for a new look.