Monday, April 19, 2010

Spurs down 0-1....

How's everybody feeling? I was really confident going into Game 1 and eventhough we lost, I still feel decently ok in the long-run of the series. Way too many turnovers for the Spurs last night is what really killed them, but I feel if they can correct those mistakes they will win Game 2. George Hill definitely seemed less aggressive. Maybe it was butterflies as his first game back, as a starter none the less... But Pop wants him to be a factor the same way he was down the stretch of the season and Georgie needs to realize that.. I think he will. I thought Tony, Tim, and Manu all played as well as they possibily could and if they can all keep that up we should be ok. RJ needs to attack with the basketball and Roger Mason needs to stay on the bench! I still feel confident we can beat these chumps, so dont get down after just 1 game! GO SPURS GO!!


Ryan said...

yeah, i'm still confident. it took an otherworldly effort from dirk to win this one and we kept it competitive despite our turnovers, rebounding disparity, sluggish transition d, and dirk getting every single call.

i'm worried hill might still be hurt. there was an indirect quote from pop that he might not play in game 2. i guess that means parker will start and we'll have pretty much no bench.

tim, manu, and parker looked good though. i liked mcdyess's game too - i thought he played tougher in the post and his shot looked smooth. we just need some kinda contribution from hill, rj, and i guess bonner.. maybe let ian have a crack at dirk? couldn't hurt at this point...

camacho said...

I think (as Kev can attest to) that this series lies at the feet of George Hill. He is the Key. Without him, our bench is too thin with tony parker not at 100%. With him, we are the one of best teams in the whole NBA, if the not THE best.

With that being said, this series is the spurs to lose. And they will do if they lose the aforementioned turnover and rebound battle.

With a little less foul trouble and STUPID turnovers, and a little more 3-point shooting and george hill the spurs got game 2 in the bag!

As jesus said "you got a date wednesday baby!"

camacho said...

oh yeah and less fast breaks for those FBI-wanted-pregnatin, ball-punching, hot-wife-havin, wizards-has-beens, douchey-owner havin, head-band-wearing JERKS!

(sorry if that makes as much sense as a metcalf comment but im pressed for time)

Ryan said...

which mav has the hot wife? j kidd? his wife's pretty hot. their kids have funny shaped heads.

also, more mcdyess (30 mpg, standard) and i'd like to see how temple does instead of mason. mason brings NOTHING on either end of the floor and hasn't all year - i think temple could match up defensively with barea or kidd and he runs the point more naturally than rmj.

Chris Todd said...

GO SPURS GO!!! Representing in Big D.

After last nights performance, Ginobili coming back in the 4th Qtr after getting his nose broken, to finish the Mavs off in Game 3 (huge momentum)....I think I am in love with the man.