I don't know what this picture is but it is kind of how I would expect Mettie to prepare to float the river.
If you still have not gotten over the spurs getting swept in the 2nd round then maybe a good float will help ease your mind this Memorial Day weekend.
When: Sunday, May 30th
Where: Guadalupe River (3$ spot off 281N)
When: TBD
Who's in?
yea, up until a year ago, I still wore my tshirt when i swam....is that one of those volcano bags in his right hand...
and sadly the $3 spot is now the $5 spot, and the place we get are gear is just past the $5spot, before the wine bar....i think its called guadalupe livey, or some weird shit...and were thinking if there is enough water, which i thinnk there is....we are going to get rafts....oh snap, so mety is in and clint(frodo) is coming too
looking forward to it. tying a couple of rafts together makes for a great float.
i'll be wearing a shirt and some protective foot/eye wear.
sounds like fun!
Lake... or I would.
- Coach (too lazy to sign out and sign back in)
I hate the fucking lakers
luck the fakers
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