This is actually going down in the great city of San Marcos. I thought these pictures were freaking hilarious, maybe Mety can start a Funboy Unicycle Ultimate League (or the FUUL)? Kidwell is the only Funboy I know that can maneuver a Uni though... Is that AnnaLisa in the black shirt partying on the sideline?

I know bret hamilton has one, im sure hes down
lol that does look like annalisa and she'd hardly be outta place there!
been wanting to learn to ride one of those for years.
get on it Mety!
Whoa this is huge cervenka...
i kind like having skin on my knees tho...
and the last picture makes it look like they got tramp stamps printed on their "jerseys"
Where was this when I was up there?
i love the hippie rage
atwon would be great at this sport
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