Monday, March 14, 2011

Faithful Departed

Fellow Funboys, I have some bad news for those of you who follow the cult classic Chapstick Pics. Unfortunately, my highly acclaimed slender salamandar figure will never be the same due to my recent surgery for ulnar nerve entrapment at the elbow. For your viewing pleasure, I submit the following self-images for your consideration:

Fortunately, I regenerate my scaling pretty quickly so I'm hoping to be back in action soon. Until then, I remain your faithful departed D Sess.


Ryan said...

damn d sess. that is one righteous scar!

here's to a speedy and slimy salamander recovery.

Cody said...

Real nice scar. Stay squirmy my friend.

Anonymous said...

Daaaamn, can I get a D-Ses in the Funboyz blogga outta nowhere?! Perfect timing with the chapstick post too! Hell of a scar Salamander, might require a new nickname... Scarllas, ScarSession, or... The Scarlamander - I like that!

Cervenka said...

Good luck going lefty action on it on those lonely nights.

DSess said...

Indeed, all future official epic Chapstick Pics ("ChaPics") will most certainly reveal the mark of the Scarlamander contemplating the risks of accepting the "chapstick" Ryno offers. Fortunately, I'm making progress on the road to recovery -- I began physical therapy/rehab last week and -- along with enjoining a few "lefties" (after all Cervenka, I am left-handed) -- I recently exercised my 2nd Amendment rights for the first time since surgery in late January. Anyway, thanks for the kudos -- I'll keep posting and will look forward to seeing your Funboys soon!

DSess said...

Please forgive my spelling errors in the last post. . .