Friday, April 8, 2011

Post Your Workspace

I might take the cake for messiest. My drawers are full of paper i dont need and on top thats an unwashed bowl from home i eat oatmeal out of like the 65 year old woman that works in your office.
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Cody said...

Do you make your oatmeal with milk or water?

I don't know how people eat it with water, but that's just me.

Ryan said...

with milk. i've had to use water a few times out of necessity, but it's just weird.

Chris Todd said...

Dang Ryno, you should tell the boss you need some more space.

"Mety's a no go" said...

I always thought my desk was messier, bc I really just have a side view of ryno...damn ry

and oatmeal with water...very lil....sometimes a lil milk in it

Anonymous said...

Nick, I want to see your desk. We'll be the judge. That's pretty fucking messy Ryan.