Monday, November 3, 2008

New Years?

No clever pictures for this post . . . sorry funboys.

Has the Crew reached any sort of concensus on (un)official plans for New Years?

Depending on what everybody has going on, I just thought I would renew my "firm offer" to host a party at K Dal's lakehouse (or other location, say, Gregalo's land, for example).

Alternatively, is anybody down for a New Years trip? Maybe The Vegas (or somewhere else fun with a plethora of readily available, morally questionable attractive young women)?

We should start making plans if there's not already something in the works! We can blow it up if we plan in advance.

P.S. -- Congratulations to all you Techies, job well done. I celebrated your victory in Waco after BU just barely lost to Missouri for our own homecoming. . . f***.


Ryan said...

good call d. and ol' baylor gave MO a helluva game!

i haven't heard about anyone doing anything yet, but i'm always up for doing new years big. even if it's just downtown austin.

i'm more than open to the idea of traveling though. vegas sounds great to me. also gotta suggest ny, (cheap flights into long island from southwest)

also, it has been a while since we had a good ol fashioned new years party in a set venue - i think we should explore this idea further...

"Mety's a no go" said...

although the thoughts of a new year at the lakehouse gives me chills, i dont know if the celebration for you finisher and anual(minus last year) crew winter lakehouse should fall on New Years...i do like your thought though...i think it should be shortly after, in jan or feb,

as for the new years, yes i think we should plan something now, last year was very anti-climatic for this guy, i know luke as talked about a party at his parents in SA, im not sure if its this year or next

Gregalo's land would be a dream come true, but i think the land is pretty much retired, mike lives out there now, and i dont think it is feesible

i guess if worst comes to worst we shall go out on the town, or a kick ass house party like we did at macs or cody piels

too be honest dallas, im not really sure whats going to go on, but something does for sure, and im glad your taking the first steps

DSess said...

Excellent -- I just thought I'd try to get the ball rolling in one direction or another.

A pre-determined venue is preferable if only just because we can start making travel/hotel accommodations and plan to take off work (if necessary).

KDal's lakehouse would be COLD -- no doubt -- but so will most other places! I'm willing to make the trek wherever people want to go for good times -- whether in or out of State.

Lets make it happen.