Thanksgiving is next weekend...everyone is gonna be here... We should play some golf. We can hit up a muni, play a private if we have an "in", hit up a driving range, or fart around on a par 3. It'll be a fun opportunity for us all to catch up and drink beer.
I searched golf210.com for tee times and discounts, but nothing came up. I'm not too sure if they're on top of their shit though.
Friday and Saturday would be the ideal day.
Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions?
count me in for sure. i'm good for friday or saturday.
i'd say we could play brackenridge, but they want like 100 bucks a round now!
i hear silverhorn usually has some decent rates, and the course is usually in pretty good shape. let's plan this now so maybe we can get a good group rate somewhere.
oh and here's a video of john daly teeing off on a beer can:
couldn't find an audio clip from his album "You don't know me, like I know me..." it's brilliant!
I should be down for some links..
As should I.
Official Golf Announcement:
Silverhorn Golf Club
Friday, November 28th
10:00 and 10:08 am tee offs
$39 per person
We have room for 3 more.
Good work ryan!
Anyone down for a Las Palapas breakfast before the round???
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