Beards are required.
Please stop shaving immediately and have a full beard by next weekend.
Bring Money (preferably in $1 dollar bills)

This is for possible gambling by ways of Poker, Fire Power & Foosball Tournament, Basketball, Ultimate, etc. Just $10 - $20 worth for possible side bets.

Bring your tennis shoes and cleats.

For possible basketball or ultimate.
Remember no pups or pooches.

and sorry ladies, but not this time...

Wetsuits are optional.
Out-fucking-standing post KDal.
those shoes are gansta'!
damn, took the beard down like an inch last night, got some work to do over the next 9 days. I am in, what is your arrival time, D?
Gangster shoes indeed.
Great Post.
"It looks like sh*t. What the hell is he doing, printing that from a JPG? Motherf*cker needs to be using TIFF files, dude. My face looks all computery and damn pixelated."
fucking in
in it to win it...also
bring you learning caps, as ryan will be doing a seminar to get you non-blogging funboys up to speed on the blog(2.0)
also, we are working on the funboy awards, hopefully to be presented at please email myself, ryan or kevin with any nomiees, we need some crewnie input
ehhh, drinking games too, you know the mety pong, suites, flip cup
no beard here, maybe a friday 5o'clock shadow...I will however, quit shaving other places
picked up a Ipod of the holidays, maybe I might make a lakehouse chill and one dance party 2011
also, due to the weather, I will be taking 1-3 baths this time...bring pull over and hoodies, beanies and gloves, long unerware and chef pants
i got a recipe for a hot toddy...a lil wassil action...I might bring up...
Also, if you could replay or send me an email with your info....
anniversary date:(if applies)
how you got into the crew, any stories or nick names
Alama Matar:
place of birth:
current city:
and i will come up with some bio pages
have we scouted any fields in the area?
are cats allowed?
also, I understand, the spurs of san antonio, will be playing on friday and saturday that bring your spurs gear and step your game up
9 days from now...we will be starting our winter lakehouse...we will have to make up for not having one in 2010, so expect some drinking
and shots
I don't think I will be able to make this one.
Dont fuck with us Cowboy
Alright, well the list is finalized. 8 crewnies have RSVP'd yes leaving out a few that I thought were IN but apparently are not because they did not RSVP in the comment section.
Ill make sure we have food and beer for us 8!
Go Spurs
Finalized?? You cant finalize the list if you dont put a deadline! It took me a while to figure out where the comment section was...anyway, Im in!
Really Joel, it took you 48 hours to figure out where the comment section was?! This aint your first rodeo on commenting either.
Ok, so now we have 9.
is it okay if my beard is sort of whispy 14 yr old asian fu-manchu???
That would be preferred camacho!! Kevin, think I was just distracted by the pictures and forgot..but I am glad to know about the 48hr rule!
Yota Man Dan
Thank you for commenting. I think we are still missing a few though....
Weekend kickoff starts at 2 PM on Friday. Everyone is encouraged to take 1/2 days.
If the registration window is not closed I'm in. I will take my punishment for late registration in the form of listening to Mety's potential music playlists and instruction in "Web 2.0". On that matter, clever name to the blog that I never connected. "I don't think I made the connection ever between 2.0 being the next chapter of our lives so to speak". I just assumed it was invention by necessity, ie. there was another funboys blog. Someone clear this up for boat does that mean no sailing?
No sailboat to speak of. 2.0 will be explained in the presentation.
I'll be there, can we get a snow machine?
I think thats a fantastic idea! Any idea where to rent one?
Count me IN!
This is going to be a good one I can feel it. 2pm Friday I'll be there. Can we discuss menus? I'm down to cook up a muthatrukin storm! Do we have and outside chiminea or something? great post btw, for a min I thought u were getting strippers by all the talk of one dollar bills. See everyone soon! Dan you better fuckin be there I already put down a deposit with Kevin for your ass! Jk, but seriously.
The snow machine from disney world is $275/day
The one from sea world is $475/day
The one from How The Grinch Stole Christmas is $400/day.
The one Aerosmith and David Copperfield use is $650/day.
All prices include one gallon liquid snow and shipping.
So there is no place close to here that rents snow machines?
Ok so $750 for 3000lbs of snow...if it's even possible to get the machine brought from Houston. A bit prohibitive. However, for perspective, the cost as a % of future medical bills would be nominal.
I am in and looking forward to it.
Okay, I think I can make this one but it's going to be a tough one. Attire: Gordon's Fisherman or Paul Bunyan?????
what about your funbouy jeans and your ascis tennie....why dont you go as the love child of gordon's fisherman and paul bunyan with a lil bit of pecos bill sprinkled on top
if you ware the overalls it will be harder to pull your truck move off...espically with less space
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