spurs watching

roommates for a semster

the beer bong, circa 2001 or 2002 spring break

alex, letting joel know its going to be ok

more cman...its like cowbell, i cant get enough

brad collie
Dallas is going to be out of commission due to a slight medical procedure, he gets a pass
Chris Todd, you have missed Tday, and Christmass...you are still in the newly wed stage, don't tell me your testes shriveled up already, we would love to see you, and we are going to leave out the guilt trip, but let us know....piss todd piss todd piss todd piss todd
And all you guys who have wifes or girl friends...this is a great time for a girls weekend, or a weekend without you (all though you love em, sometimes it is good to get away without em, then sun evening, you'll can have "back from being out of town" relations....a lil heres your father
I guess I am a stickler, but I love these lakehouse trips, I love these lakehouse crew trips, and I love these crew only trips...remember the first crew(guy) only party at the land....we had a blast, we had that rap...man I hope to see you SOBs, and Hope to get some more pics and memories out there
and you single guys....there are many nights to meet ladies, so we thank you for coming, even if this means you miss out on a chance to meet your soul mate
so who will be the first to throw up....the first to pass out....you think dan can pull that move he did that one time in this truck...
someone pour me a glass of Texas Spirit.
looks delicious
Mety, I love the pics. But something you and Ryan need to cover in your presentation are post trumps. That took me an entire lunch break to cut yalls bearded faces out of old pics and put them next to Danny Boy.
yea, good call, I am glad you were able to move it back to the top...nice work kdal
umm we're some cool ass mo-fo's!
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