Thursday, February 10, 2011

Matty Bonner TRUMP POST

TBJ campaign: Matt Bonner for 3-Point Contest! from The Basketball Jones on Vimeo.



camacho said...

not to be out-done, matt bonner trump posts his own post:

Anonymous said...

Both videos are incredible. Cervenka lead me to his Fundamentals of the Game video yesterday, Im about to watch it again.

It's f'ing bullshit that he is not in the contest! Makes no sense. Fuck the Celtics.

Ryan said...

gotta love bonner. from last year's quest for the hoagie grail to this.

and Fuck the Celtics.

Chris Todd said...

Fuck the Celtics.

Ryan said...

coach pop's response to being asked about this video:

“I only try to watch Matt Bonner when he’s shooting threes,” Popovich said. “Anything else he does, I hide my eyes.”