Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Attn SA Funboys...gues on Sat PM - Sun AM

its the second weekend of October, 2008, who is having the Best Weekend Ever....SA CREW thats who....we will be graced with the presence of dallas alfred sessions this weekend, saturday to be specific...playing it by ear, but Dallas has a wedding that evening, then looking to me up afterwards...and maybe a brunch on sunday....


Ryan said...

A couple of haikus for Dallas's SA weekend appearance:

Dallas A Sessions
The Man the Myth the Funboy
SA Crew gets lit

Dallas A Sessions
Did not stick her in the a$s
That's the consensus

"Mety's a no go" said...

man, i know these haikus are easy, but i still have trouble...until i get it down, i will start off all haikus from here on out with: Dallas A Sessions

DSess said...

Fellow Funboys,

The rumor is true -- I will be in the SA effective Saturday morning and intend to hang out later that evening following my attendance at a wedding(reception).

I'm looking forward kicking back a few brewskis and enjoying late night Las Palapas tacos and/or Sunday morning brunch with all interested parties.

I have a new celly number, so call(972)900-8937 for a good time. First ten (10) minutes are free, $2.99 / minute for every minute thereafter. Collect calls not accepted.

Word to your mothers.