Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Crew Classics

Just a few pics I thought everybody should recall -- good times guys!


"Mety's a no go" said...

Dallas, way to be with the pics....very nice all around, how did you get those in computer form??? good work brother sessions, thats the kind of bloggspotting i like to see

Ryan said...

nice post d sess

all about the visor

"Mety's a no go" said...

third pic from the top, who is that kneeling with the visor, black hari

DSess said...

Third pic from top kneeling with visor and throwing the infamous "West Side" is none other than the Norotious E-R-I-C Cervenka, one time for your mind.

Anonymous said...

Wow, talk about the younger days! Great photos D, some of which I have never seen.

In that last photo, it looks like Ryno has 3 arms.

Cervenka said...

I can bring back the A&F visor. Unfortunatly not the hair.

Ryan said...

like the white vishnu...

DSess said...

My thoughts exactly, counselor.

camacho said...

Did Dan come out of the wound with a full beard?

Alex said...

many sessions at the sessions, with many memories......memories like the corner of my miiiiiiind.