Friday, January 7, 2011

FunBoys 2010 Year In Review

Well it has been one hell of a year, and a think 10yrs ago, alot of us were at hope's ranch, wondering if Y2K was going to major glitches and ten years later here we are

To start off, we had some crewnies(per joel) bite the dust and someothers that took the first step/ the single crewmen become an endangered species, we are also added some crewettes

Chris and Miranda Todd....married march 21 or 22, excuse me on the date, that is kevins dept
Eric And Stephanie Cervanka....married aug 22 i beleive, give or take
Justine"the shaste" jory and his girl(the name slips my mind, but i know it was on 12/31/10

in addition

Gregalo "i got my phd bitch, dont make me psychoanylze you, yaley MF) popped the question to stepana....which i know i spelled wrong and that is not the kind of psychology gregalo does

EEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHH...luke "pickle dick" evans, popped the question to(however i think it was in 2011, we will submit it for this year) michelle o'brien

thats not too bad a rate....loosing 2 people a year, but i guess we also add two

On a sadder note, chris atherton, lost his mother on sept 14th...she fought hard, and she is with mr. atherton now...I have known mrs atherton since 6grade, so i was blessed to know her for as long as i did....i still remember a crew skitrip in highschool...when mrs atherton found a bottle of liquor (us being way underage) of chris, and she just took it and shook her head like "chris" very memorable...i think this was the same trip with the russian girls

The lakehouse, that the dalrymples have been so nice to let 10-20 people go up there and put a ware and tare on it, got a face lift and looks awesome....which means as we grow up and things get nicer we got to remember to wipe our shoes and no fireworks in the house

We also had a couple concerts along the way...jimmy buffett and pink floyd, both were great from my understanding....and dallas took one for team by staying committed to his ticket...all though reene was not too happy

The Spurs are off to the best start in franchise history...great time to be in sa and a spurs fan

Dan found out that he has a 2yr old daughter with summer or misty or that one girl with the goofy name....not almond joy, or albi or raven....but something similar....dan as you could imagine is claiming no, and will appear on maurry porvocih for the DNA test...check your local listing

TCU did pretty good, Southwest got accepted to the WAC along with UTSA

Dan bucthcered a deer in my townhouse, that is a first

Ryan and Chad are on the 1&2s again at Ivy Rooftop

The haloween party in austin was moved to a new location with pool, hottub and putting green...

Oh yea, the cman's bacherlor party....i think that was the best showing of the crew's abality to pick up the ladies....4 bacherlette parties in one weekend...and dan throwing a urinal cake a kevin a cervanka, atherton spirtural encounter with the crane the made him reconsider eating meat, the massive breakdance we had at the horse track in the lobby, and riding back with 20 plus people in a van meant for 16 or so

ultimate should be the offical sport of funboy nation...whats the consenus

and i am sure there were other moments that happen, feel free to share

and ryno has been sick and busy, so the awards have not be forgotten, but with the new rules in 2011, we have to have 75% concurence, so there is a discussions going on...


Cody said...

Nice summation Metty!

Cervenka said...

Nailed it.

Anonymous said...

Boom! Except for "TCU did pretty good" - Pretty good?! They just won the freaking Rose Bowl! Ok, maybe I am being oversensitive.

Great year, and awesome decade for The Funboys - which by the way, officially became the new label of The Crew. At least we know with a name like Funboys, Joel wont be tracked down by some gangsters because of the FroBro label.

Congrats to Mr. Evans, who I doubt has ever visited the blog.

Count em, 1, 2, 3 Championships for SA this past decade! Go Spurs Go!

Speaking of Los Spurs, they play a double header on January 21 & 22, what you yall say we get together at the lake house for game watching parties?!

Lets make this next decade the decade of the blog!

camacho said...

2011 will be the year of the roadrunner.. .go UTSA!

great post Nick!

Let's not forget Dan's near-death experience with Annalisa's A/C unit. what a freakin night...

i'm embarrassed to learn that Luke got engaged from a blog post and not from the pickle-dick's mouth...

Thanks for a great year boys and I look forward to Luke's bachelor party


ps. In for the lakehouse